Version Control Tool ( Perforce )

Siddarth M
4 min readMay 13, 2021


Today let us look at what is Version Control System and its importance in the field of software engineering.

Typically in a development project, there will be multiple modules and resources working on these modules independently. Definitely one would agree that whatever changes a person X makes to the centralized codebase(system) should not cause any issues and the same goes with changes made by person Y as well and so on.

The challenge is how to make sure that changes made by all of the team members gets tested real time without hampering the work of each of them.

One way would be to discuss among each other and submit it one after the other so that changes will go in sequence at various times. But this would lead to a single monolithic code and if there is a build failure, it would be very difficult to track the cause of the issue. Hence in order to ensure that there is no room for errors and no man hours gets wasted in al these chained events, there came in the concept of Versioning of the Software.

Same like Initial Version will have all the changes, then the revised versions will have more accurate changes and the final version will have the ready-to-go version of the software.

‘Perforce’ is one such tool which i have come across which seems to be extremely useful in performing these tasks. You can create your changes , shelve it and it will give you a perforce link for review. One can create a separate branch from the main trunk(source code ) and do their coding submissions in parallel and once the final version goes through, it can be integrated with the main trunk.

I will share a few commonly used commands which needs to be kept handy while coding , so that you don’t have to read articles or watch videos to use them.

p4 user #username + projects / repositories that you have access to.

p4 groups <ldap> # groups that you are part of

p4 info # will give your client name, server name and license details

p4 diff -duw <file name> # to see the differences in the file

p4 client #gives the mapping of your ldap to sandbox/repo

p4 print -q <file name> # to see the file in the terminal

p4 sync # to download all the files

p4 sync @<change number> #to sync upto this change number

p4 submit # to submit the shelved files

p4 resolve # If multiple people have submitted, resolves the changes

p4 opened # to see the list of open files and who has opened it

p4 edit filename #Will open the file for editing

p4 revert filename # To rollback the changes done in filename

p4 shelve # To shelve your changes for review before submission

p4 reopen -c <change number> # To open for edit of a shelved change

p4 shelve -c -f <change number> # Force shelve to the change number

p4 describe -s <change number> #to see the shelved changes

p4 add <file name> # to add a new file to the shelve / repo

p4 delete <filename> # to remove the shelved filed from repro

p4 shelve -c <change number> -d #deletes the shelve

p4 revert -c <change number> # reverting the changes

p4 unshelve -s <change number> # will pull the shelved changes to local


If you want to remove a particular file from shelve follow the sequence:

1. p4 unshelve -c <change number>

2. p4 revert <file name>

p4 shelve -r -c <same change number> #this would replace the changes file

If you want to do some minor changes and shelve to the same change number:

1. p4 reopen -c <change number> <file to modify>

2. p4 shelve -f -c <change number> # this will force the changes to same shelve

If you want to add a new file to the same change / shelve:

  1. p4 edit <file name>
  2. p4 add -c <change number> <file name>
  3. p4 reopen -c <change number>
  4. p4 shelve -f -c <change number>

Basically perforce (p4) commands, just blindly compares whatever you give with the repo /sandbox etc. This is the advantage of using perforce to revert, sync,add,submit,delete,modify,shelve etc your code changes before submission.


Steps to sync a file from a sandbox named : //sandbox/devops/ to your local drive.

Step 1 : Create a directory in your drive.

mkdir tools

cd tools

Step 2: vi .perforce and type the below, save and close.


eg: P4CLIENT=siddarth_devops

Step 3: p4 client [ this will open the mapping file ]


//sandbox/siddarth/devops/… //sidmanoh_devops/…

This basically means all the sub folders and directories under //sandbox/siddarth/devops/ will be synced to //sidmanoh_devops/ which the label for our local drive space that is [ drive:~/tools/]

Save and close the file.

Step 4: p4 sync [ You should start seeing all the files downloaded to your local drive:~/tools/ folder ]


With a few commands, we can make our life easier. So please try this tool and enjoy your coding experience and feel free to comment for any doubts.

Note: For those who haven’t used perforce at all, this article might be a bit difficult to follow. I would recommend to read through setting up perforce client first and then to play with the commands listed.



Siddarth M

Technology Enthusiast | Coder | Presenter | Youtuber